by gamer_boy997
March 25th, 2009, 9:09 am » Short link
Congratz on finishing! Now for the surprise.
We will start again!
But with a couple twists:
1. Instead of "99 yellow bananas in my hoard", it will be "99 giant bananas in my hoard".
2. You may do a verse on the DKC's, the DKL's, DKC64, DK Jungle Beat, the two Donkey Kong peg swingers, the Donkey Kongas, Donkey Kong Barrel Blast, or any other games that have the Kongs as the main characters.
3. You may now post a verse once every 6 hours!
4. NO REPEATS from "99 yellow bananas in my hoard", or of course, any repeats from "99 giant bananas in my hoard".
Let's begin!
99 giant bananas in my hoard,
99 giant bananas,
in Donkey Konga,
you hit that bonga, (or bongo)
98 giant bananas in my hoard.