It`s obvious... I`ve caused hell to break out here. ...probably been drinking... I`m not old enough. Common sense. What has (Smudge) done to upset anyone? What HAVEN`T I done? Think. It keeps getting worse, but online self-threats from an 11 year-old are about as serious as I am about my love for Sa...
No, I didn`t mean leaving, I already know you all think I`m a b***ard, and I am, so, yeah. Oh, for the fact out, I once did try to [Kids, leave] kill myself before with one helluva sharp knife, but was caught by my parents, who kicked me, cussed at me, (Oh crap, I`m off topic) And Mr. Flamingo Jomin...
I knew I was gonna get dissed sooner or later, cause I always do. Now I can be called the n word. The coins... look fantasticò, only the balloon, yeah, that`s K. Rool the Krool`s thing. Kiddy coin: Pass DK Isle coin: Hidden in a specific spot in one of the levels of each world, 10x harder than the D...
Never mind the half-@*$`d comment about rating above Anywho, Erik and I were talking, and have come up with a catchy title for the CDC remix: "By the Time I Get To Crystal Caverns" Also, Erik ain`t gonna be on for a while, so I`ll post the name for the SS title: "Map Browser" (It...
I like the idea, only the boss battles were more complicated... let`s bring Croc into play here... So, I did say I liked Jomingo`s idea, so we`ll stick with that 3 times, only K. Rool getting crazier each. Then, he gets out of his trashed tank and runs away from the screen. The charecter thinks he`s...
Great sprite, K. Rool the Krool. Just a tad fussy, though. If Gamer_Boy is out... Let`s look at the canidates: Simion The Guy Smudge Rool Krool Yeah, they`ve put the most effort into the fan-game ideas, even when we were stupid enough to think the game was going to be released. My vote? Simion. My 2...
[1]I've already spoken with another project member about this, and we're basically hoping to keep things under wraps so that our final project is full of surprises. [2]Oh, and I agree that there's no need to have guitar in a Gang-Plank Galleon remix. [1] Maybe we just post the album when it`s ready...
How are you recording your drum set? 2 USB Cable mics, put on the left and right in a wide space, (Of course I use USB extension cords) And a sound reconition program where the computer puts the sounds together. (Ex. I hit the snare, program says 505-Snare) Of course not everything is acurate, so i...
Yeah, shut the flip up and let`s post ideas... Dammit, where is Gamer_Boy997? I`ve seen him online, but not here. :?: Did he ditch us? If so, I hope he`s thinking about this topic... Now for a joke, most likely Tiptup Jr. might reconize with ease: I hope he can`t sleep and he dreams about it I hope ...
Guitar is overdone on GG. I for one would love to hear a happy dance version. I did think that Lampje saying that a gutiar was needed was eye opening. Not a :shock:, but, you know. What would I do? Some serious John Askew type techno with that song And a heads up: All drumming in my songs are my ac...
Sorry if it sounds weak, but I will not take Gangplank Galleon :( I'll probably only can make it Dance with happyness, and that's not really what you'd expect from it XD So I guess someone with a live gutiar should do much better on that one. I have a dirty guitar sound saved onto my computer, I`ll...
... maybe invite another composer. (In our case, our clients) Sorry Slappy, it's a too late to invite anyone else, unless you want to collab with them on Simian Segue or do a 3 mixer collab on Cave Dweller Concert. Slappy, please, keep our clients out of this, seriously Now for the lyrics Erik`s be...
...Throw a bomb at the sign and a cave should appear. Go in and press: LRXXXXXXYYYYYYYABABBBYXBAYB→←↑↓↑←→↑↓↓↓←→→↑↓→↑←↓LRXXXYAAAABBBBBP. This should get you one of the 20 orange birds you`ll need. Go the the very back of the cave and use Freakachu`s Time Warp. It should malfunction and put a hole in ...
...even in New And Happy City, where Chunky and Kiddy were staying, in which they both wondered how it felt to be cut, so they cut themselves, but Chunky cut his neck, and accidentally killed himself while Kiddy lived cause he cut himself...
The bathroom blew up, killing Gnawty, which made his dad mad, so he locked Candy into the trunk of his car and pushed it off the edge of the Grand Canyon, killing her, which made DK mad, so he slit Gnawty`s dads...
Whether people like it or not(I personally felt that the only thing that saved it was the music, which made it somewhat funny) is besides the point that it has absolutely no place in this thread. This is not a random thoughts topic, so don't treat it as such. That's why we have the random thoughts ...
Hey, we weren`t fighting... Hmmm, drop out Cave Dweller Concert, and let`s give Slappy (Watch my crappy spelling) Simian Segue. He could easily whip that out in 30 minutes. But, he`s on vacation and I`m working on Sim Synth, so our remixes won`t be soon. And Erik, no, I`m not gonna take those Stan l...
I laughed. Not a "Ha ha," but a :lol:. :) Rock on, TipTup Jr.! I really haven`t done anything with the music for awile. BUT, my friend Erik (CoolStyleE, signed up here, yay!) is working on buisness cards for us. :shock: Slappy just does stuff. With Simion32 out of directing, but with a goo...
Wowza! That looks great! That`ll mean another temple song, though. Music update: New songs created: MP3 songs in 2 verse: Dusk forest (Song changed) MP3 songs without loop: Bonus Bananza Works in progress: None, I`m busy right now
Hey hey, Slappy! (Refering to CoolStyleE) Glad you could make it, I`ve been waiting for you. Slappy, you didn`t say you were a fan of new wave music! (Neither did I) To prove to the people, CoolStyleE, finish the verse lyrics: I want to know What you`re thinking There are some things You can`t hide ...
Slappy, you made it! :) Welcome. Also, Erik, a correction: (Me, maybe, too) Dixie`s already got a song, as it looks. Sockpuppet, how abouttttttt, ummmmm, ※Spit it out, Smudge※ giving Erik Cave Dweller Concert? He`s really good with music, so that`d be great for him. Also, for fun, like you put me do...
Hello, Dixie! (I almost put Dixie Kong... :oops:) Glad you can join. Start looking at the orange songs. Those are the ones that have not been approved, but still claimed. Maybe Erik (CoolStyleE) could get one too, especially all those un-approved Holy Crap works. Sockpuppet, what can you work out fo...
Speaking about friend refering, I`m refering a friend to DKC Atlas as well, but he`s gonna have to wait till the DKC3 mixes. His username should be CoolStyleE. We can let him do Nuts and Bolts for the next collab, maybe? Maybe, but I don't really want people claiming songs before the project even s...
Just wanted to say 3 things: 1) Smudge, I think it's /spoiler (not spolier) and that is why it's not working. Correct me if I'm wrong there :oops: You`re right! :oops: Speaking about friend refering, I`m refering a friend to DKC Atlas as well, but he`s gonna have to wait till the DKC3 mixes. His us...
I am a die-hard Grand Turismo fan, because it`s one of the most accurate (and fun) racing simulaters I know, unlike the game Kiddy14 posted screen shots of. NOBODY LIKES TO DRIVE OFF BUILDINGS.
I'm not sure what we should do about the name changes at the moment. Composer and artist are kind of the same thing. We'll sort that out closer to the release, but for now I'll put you down as Kirkwood Studios in the first post. I know a month seems like a long time to wait for a new project, but i...
I have them on another computer, and my flash drive broke. :( I will post what I have created when I borrow my dads. Also, for Gamer_Boy, you said, "How is [Diddy and Dixie Rescued... Not] going to work?" I have it: At the second to last world, in the back of the room will be the cage cont...
:) Thanks, Sockpuppet! Also, your comment on the song, my saving driver on my computer sucks, so that explains the fussynessssssssss. (The s`s were a visual fussy idea) I did only use a couple things, so I was suprised you said it was crowded. I only used a hip-hop drum kits, SimSynth Live!® demo, a...
Tipity Tup-nup, I didn`t get all fussy over your comment. Also, an old part of you? You didn`t commit murder or anything. Also, I just realized about beat the clock, so screw my crap idea. Back to TT jr. off topic, you do have a gf. SO DO I, YOU GREAT GANSTER ACTER. My gf would just say, "Hmmm?...
...throw the fatest one at the wall. YOU MUST OF MILKED ALL THE COWS, OR YOU HAVE TO START ALL OVER. The wall wil crack, and you'll get the next time gear. Now, arrange a time you can appear on the show "Good Eats." Cook with him, and at the end of the show, sneek out and find the time gea...
...Diddy pulled out his peanut gun and shot him. BUT, there was no ammo. So, Gnawty put a knife in his side. Dixie was watching, and she was SOOOOOOOOO mad she...
Hmmm... Candy's Love Song is open. Maybe I can have a go? I'll post a link of a non-DKC related song so you can see my style: P.S. How 'bout a DKC2 & 3 remix collab as well? Honestly, a DKC3 Collab would be interes...
Well, uh, me and Gamer_Boy997 are working on the new animal buddy levels. Also, away from the Guy's idea, there should be a bonus game called Beat The Clock, where you have to finish a mini level in a certain time I can see you, so contribute
Hmmm... Candy's Love Song is open. Maybe I can have a go? I'll post a link of a non-DKC related song so you can see my style: ... s_SENT_mp3 P.S. How 'bout a DKC2 & 3 remix collab as well?
I will start the project thread, which I will put some notes on for helping to keep the thread clean ;) . YES, PLEASE keep it clean!!! Nice sprites. They look great, and good quality. Good suggestion for rookie sprite editors: Always zoom into the picture to cut out the sprite with a free-hand trim...
KremKrawl said C... YOU MADE IT TO THE NEXT HOLE! BUT, now you're stuck in a crowd. Playing in a group is: Tiger Woods, Rocco Mediate, and Mike Weir. They know the course great. You are stuck because the fairway has many different ways to go. Who do you ask for directions?
Awww, thanks guys. But, I might still consider leaving... but I would still post contacts. (Not my e-mail or phone... but online chat & stuff) But, I might still stay. Thank you for the support, Simion32, Jomingo, and Gamer_Boy997 (Pm'd me) Okay, here's some of my work you can view. (Please rate...