General Development [Updates/Notices]

The Delta Project is aimed at creating multimedia editing tools and other utilities for bringing to life the dreams and inspirations of game creators around the globe.

General Development [Updates/Notices]

Postby Simion32 » December 19th, 2012, 11:40 am

This topic is where I post general updates and various notices regarding Delta Project development as a whole.
I'll be using this thread to announce such things from now on. Only my posts are allowed here.

NOTE: Announcements are posted by me editing the below post, and then posting to the bottom to announce the update. The previous update notify post is then deleted.
Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 336
Posts: 2744
Joined: 2008

Re: General Development [Updates/Notices]

Postby Simion32 » December 19th, 2012, 11:46 am

Delta Project Developer's Log:
20080326 - DELTA v0.0.1.0
20080515 - DELTA v0.0.2.0 [+RE]
20080805 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20081121 - DELTA v0.0.3.0
20081217 - DELTA v0.0.4.0
20081217 - DELTA v0.0.4.1 [Patch]
20090421 - DELTA v0.0.4.2d
20100316 - SYSTEM REINSTALLED, but without All Software
201004~~ - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20100827 - NitroGUI v0.0.0.1a
20110116 - Delta Project (Only) Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20110327 - SYSTEM REINSTALLED, but without All Software
20110916 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r12
20110918 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r14
20111008 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r36
20111017 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r42
20111017 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r43
20111020 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r43
20111105 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r64
20111127 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r70
20111208 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20111221 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r77
20120612 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r101
20121124 - Delta Project (Only) Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20121218 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20130505 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20131207 - Graphics Card Fan OUT
20131208 - Graphics Card Fan is Working Again, For a While...
20131212 - New Graphics Card!
20140300 - Work on the Tile Autofiller Algorithm Begun
20140412 - Full System Backup
201507?? - MAIN SYSTEM BRICKED!!!!
20150802 - Delta Project + New Develompent Machine Fundraiser Begins
Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 336
Posts: 2744
Joined: 2008

Re: General Development [Updates/Notices]

Postby Simion32 » August 3rd, 2015, 7:52 am

Update Bulletin for 07/29/2014: MAIN SYSTEM BRICKED!!!!!

Update Bulletin for 08/02/2015: Fundraiser For [Delta Project + New Dev Machine]
Sage of Discovery
Bananas received 336
Posts: 2744
Joined: 2008

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