A Question for Those Who Have Played Banjo-Kazooie...

Talk about other games developed by the creators of Donkey Kong Country.

A Question for Those Who Have Played Banjo-Kazooie...

Postby Chibisai Kong » September 18th, 2015, 5:21 pm

What do you consider the hardest jiggy to obtain?

Speaking as someone who's only ever started a file once, and it being very recent, I've found that they've gotten the hardest to obtain without a few tries in Freezeezy Peak ((tho that's not to say I didn't start wanting to give up in Treasure Trove Cove...)).

It's partially me being curious and me wanting to be prepared.
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Re: A Question for Those Who Have Played Banjo-Kazooie...

Postby Geno » September 22nd, 2015, 12:24 pm

I just recently played through the game for the first time (100% too!), and I firmly believe that the hardest Jiggies to obtain are any of the ones that involve that darn engine room in Rusty Bucket Bay! The fact that you lose all your notes when you die isn't much better...
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Re: A Question for Those Who Have Played Banjo-Kazooie...

Postby Cody » May 5th, 2017, 11:02 am

I grew up with Banjo (got it for my birthday back in 1998!) so I might be biased. I'm having trouble thinking of a hardiest Jiggy... probably the Engine Room as was said above.
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