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Forum BBCodes added: "Game fonts" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 2:30 am
by Qyzbud
Well, today was supposed to be a joyous occasion for all Donkey Kong Country fans... but with Tropical Freeze being delayed until next year, it looks like we'll have to make our own fun...

Fortunately, forum member and scripting guru Kingizor has crafted a nifty little tool that will help distract you from the agonising wait until the Kongs' next adventure — by turning your text into graphic fonts from the original DKC games!

[levelname]level name[/levelname] =
[goldletters]gold letters[/goldletters] =
[goldbar]gold bar[/goldbar] =
[gametext]Game text![/gametext] = NEW!

Note: The GameText font is a touch hard to read on light backgrounds, so it may help to wrap it within a [bg] tag:

[bg=grey][gametext] Game text! [/gametext][/bg] =

These tags can all be easily accessed from the new "Game fonts" select box in the BBCode menu. :geek:

You can also increase the size by entering a "zoom" value:

[goldbar=2]pixely goodness[/goldbar] =

You can use this feature to multiply the generated image up to a magnification factor of 4.

Read about this script's capabilities and limitations (and play around with some additional features) on Kingizor's TextGen project page.


Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 11:42 am
by Super Luigi!
Qyzbud and Kingizor,this is an excellent feature! Thank you, and please allow me to test it here.

This is absolutely awesome! :dixiehappy:

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 11:56 am
by Qyzbud
Glad you like it. :D

We're planning to add punctuation to the font when time and inspiration permits, but as you've already shown, Kingizor has it working just marvellously for the font. :geek:

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 11:59 am
by Super Luigi!
I look forward to the day! Don't work Kingizor too hard, and make sure Simion32 doesn't kill him! No matter what crimes Kingizor may have committed, he doesn't deserve to die!

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 12:02 pm
by Qyzbud
Oh, if only you knew... :lol:

So far, the following [levelname] punctuation works fine:

The only symbols that seem to be troublesome still are the ampersand (&) and plus symbol (+).

Hopefully we'll solve those ones soon. :geek:

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 12:06 pm
by Super Luigi!
Indeed. Then we can come up with something like and

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 12:10 pm
by Qyzbud
Now, now... there's no need for that kind of language. O_o

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 12:28 pm
by Kingizor
All special characters in a url should be encoded, but there isn't an easy way to do that with bbcode. The ampersand and plus sign must be encoded in order to work, since they already do other things in the query string of a url. Improper use of an ampersand will cause the string to be ended prematurely, while the plus sign is interpreted as a space.

[levelname]one+two[/levelname] -

[levelname]three&four[/levelname] -

To get those particular characters to show up properly, you need to replace them with the appropriate UTF-8 sequence:

[levelname]five %2B six[/levelname] -

[levelname]seven %26 eight[/levelname] -

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 7th, 2013, 12:52 pm
by Qyzbud
Once we can have these symbols converted on-the-fly, we'll have a more elegant solution. :geek:

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 14th, 2013, 9:42 am
by Geno


Although what's with the "GameText" option that does nothing? :huh:

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 14th, 2013, 9:55 am
by Qyzbud
It's not an "option", per se; it's just a label to help you identify the content of the select box.

You may have noticed that "Font size" and "More BBCodes" are not functional options either.

Do you suppose it'd be less confusing if I changed the label from "GameText" to "Game text", geno?

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 15th, 2013, 12:16 am
by Geno
Nah, it just looked like a fourth text option.

Although it should probably be called "More Fonts", or "Game Fonts", in order to be less confusing.
(By the way, the "Font size", and "More BBCodes" selections were more obvious.)

Although it'd be neat if there was a fourth one, like the in-game text from the first DKC
You know, this one.

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 15th, 2013, 10:51 am
by Dixie Diddy

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 15th, 2013, 11:42 am
by Qyzbud
Geno wrote:Nah, it just looked like a fourth text option.

Fair enough; I'll give it some thought. It should be pretty easy to make the contents of the box obvious without it looking like there are nonfunctional options.

Although it should probably be called "More Fonts", or "Game Fonts", in order to be less confusing.

I tend to agree; "Game fonts" would be my choice, at this stage. If we ever decide to include non-game fonts (unlikely), this can always be changed.

Although it'd be neat if there was a fourth one, like the in-game text from the first DKC
You know, this one.

I agree! Hopefully Kingizor does, too. ;)

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "GameText" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 16th, 2013, 4:11 am
by Dixie Diddy
Sorry Geno and Qyzbud I don't know how to do ULR's

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "Game fonts" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: December 18th, 2013, 2:32 pm
by Qyzbud
Following Geno's suggestions, I've changed the menu label from "GameText" to Game fonts, and have also removed the label — AKA the
option that does nothing
— from each select box's drop-down list.

Hopefully this will help prevent any confusion. :geek:

Re: Forum BBCodes added: "Game fonts" DKC font generator!

PostPosted: January 6th, 2014, 8:43 am
by Crammalamma
Why not add some DKC2/3 styled KONG letters/bars as well?