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General Development [Updates/Notices]

PostPosted: December 19th, 2012, 11:40 am
by Simion32
This topic is where I post general updates and various notices regarding Delta Project development as a whole.
I'll be using this thread to announce such things from now on. Only my posts are allowed here.

NOTE: Announcements are posted by me editing the below post, and then posting to the bottom to announce the update. The previous update notify post is then deleted.

Re: General Development [Updates/Notices]

PostPosted: December 19th, 2012, 11:46 am
by Simion32
Delta Project Developer's Log:
20080326 - DELTA v0.0.1.0
20080515 - DELTA v0.0.2.0 [+RE]
20080805 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20081121 - DELTA v0.0.3.0
20081217 - DELTA v0.0.4.0
20081217 - DELTA v0.0.4.1 [Patch]
20090421 - DELTA v0.0.4.2d
20100316 - SYSTEM REINSTALLED, but without All Software
201004~~ - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20100827 - NitroGUI v0.0.0.1a
20110116 - Delta Project (Only) Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20110327 - SYSTEM REINSTALLED, but without All Software
20110916 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r12
20110918 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r14
20111008 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r36
20111017 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r42
20111017 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r43
20111020 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r43
20111105 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r64
20111127 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r70
20111208 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20111221 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r77
20120612 - DELTA_v0.0.6.B_r101
20121124 - Delta Project (Only) Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20121218 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20130505 - Full System Backup (outdated, files were deleted)
20131207 - Graphics Card Fan OUT
20131208 - Graphics Card Fan is Working Again, For a While...
20131212 - New Graphics Card!
20140300 - Work on the Tile Autofiller Algorithm Begun
20140412 - Full System Backup
201507?? - MAIN SYSTEM BRICKED!!!!
20150802 - Delta Project + New Develompent Machine Fundraiser Begins

Re: General Development [Updates/Notices]

PostPosted: August 3rd, 2015, 7:52 am
by Simion32
Update Bulletin for 07/29/2014: MAIN SYSTEM BRICKED!!!!!

Update Bulletin for 08/02/2015: Fundraiser For [Delta Project + New Dev Machine]