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Find Tiles on a Line with 256ths Subpixel Precision

PostPosted: February 6th, 2012, 3:04 pm
by Simion32
I decided to post this monster algorithm for anyone's future reference because it was an absolute pain in the ***. This is something anyone making a 2D, tile-based platforming engine will need, especially if you're using fixed-point math. Furthermore, I believe it belongs here in this forum.

On the whole this took an entire week of frustration to fully get working. :ugeek:

All values are Fix's, which are basically just signed integers. Here the input coordinates are scaled up for use in a fixed-point engine. So be sure to remember that 256 is equivalent to 1, 128 is equivalent to 0.5, 64 == 0.25, and so on.

// Coded by Simion32: Tile Finder v1.2
// Free to use, but please give credit.

typedef int64_t Fix64;
typedef int32_t Fix32;

// Pass in the start and end coordinates of the line, and the tile width and height (bit count).
void VisitTiles(Fix32 x1, Fix32 y1, Fix32 x2, Fix32 y2, int tw_bits, int th_bits)
Fix32 tw = (1 << tw_bits);
Fix32 th = (1 << th_bits);
Fix32 tx_inc = (((x2 >= x1)<<1)-1);
Fix32 ty_inc = (((y2 >= y1)<<1)-1);
if(tx_inc < 0)
Fix32 width = (x1 - x2);
if(x1 & (tw - 1))
x1 = ((x1 ^ (tw - 1)) + 1);
x1 -= tw;
x2 = (x1 + width);
if(ty_inc < 0)
Fix32 height = (y1 - y2);
if(y1 & (th - 1))
y1 = ((y1 ^ (th - 1)) + 1);
y1 -= th;
y2 = (y1 + height);
Fix32 tx1 = (x1 >> tw_bits);
Fix32 ty1 = (y1 >> th_bits);
Fix32 tx2 = (x2 >> tw_bits);
Fix32 ty2 = (y2 >> th_bits);
Fix32 dtx = (tx2 - tx1);
Fix32 dty = (ty2 - ty1);
Fix32 width = (x2 - x1);
x1 &= (tw - 1);
x2 = (x1 + width);
Fix32 height = (y2 - y1);
y1 &= (th - 1);
y2 = (y1 + height);
Fix32 n_tiles = (dtx + dty + 1);
Fix64 dx = (x2 - x1);
Fix64 dy = (y2 - y1);
Fix64 sdx = (dx * th);
Fix64 sdy = (dy * tw);
Fix64 error = +sdx -sdy -(dx * (y1 & (th - 1))) +(dy * (x1 & (tw - 1)));
for(; n_tiles > 0; --n_tiles)
visit_tile(tx1, ty1);
if(error == 0)
visit_tile(tx1+tx_inc, ty1);
if(error > 0)
tx1 += tx_inc;
error -= sdy;
ty1 += ty_inc;
error += sdx;

Yes, this is code from DELTA. ;)

Re: Find Tiles on a Line with 256ths Subpixel Precision

PostPosted: February 11th, 2012, 6:11 pm
by Simion32
Updated! Now works with all lines, in all directions, starting at any X,Y point!

If you have any questions about the code, feel free to ask.