Super Mario Maker
Posted: September 27th, 2015, 4:05 pm
Remember when I said that I make levels? No? Well, that doesn't matter. In this topic, we shall speak about Super Mario Maker, whether it be posting level codes or wondering if we'll ever get Super Mario All-Stars DLC. I know Blaziken257 and Mattrizzle have already begun experimenting with the tools to make great levels, but I thought I should create this topic for everyone.
If you're interested, here are my levels so far:
World 1
Day 1: Amiibonus. (0DE1-0000-001A-74AB)
Big Mario in Little Cave. (826A-0000-001B-E949)
The Crystal-Clear Wonderment. (A419-0000-0029-848C)
Grandpa's First Castle. (E669-0000-002A-830E)
World 2
The Not-SMBX Invasion. (BBA2-0000-002F-E43E)
The Old House on Mt. Pyre. (039D-0000-0033-0959)
Boots of Summer, 1998. (E027-0000-0034-C56D)
Grandpa's Bouncy Second Castle. (3B81-0000-0049-0A3C)
World 3
Mario's Best Friend. (2CEC-0000-004E-485D)
The East Side of Hoenn. (50CA-0000-0053-2F04)
Aboard the S.S. Drake! (E59D-0000-0059-D976)
Grandpa's Familiar Third Castle. (77E6-0000-0072-C836)
I hope I haven't offended anyone with this post. Even if nobody responds, I have accomplished my mission. Therefore, I must now go.
If you're interested, here are my levels so far:
World 1
Day 1: Amiibonus. (0DE1-0000-001A-74AB)
Big Mario in Little Cave. (826A-0000-001B-E949)
The Crystal-Clear Wonderment. (A419-0000-0029-848C)
Grandpa's First Castle. (E669-0000-002A-830E)
World 2
The Not-SMBX Invasion. (BBA2-0000-002F-E43E)
The Old House on Mt. Pyre. (039D-0000-0033-0959)
Boots of Summer, 1998. (E027-0000-0034-C56D)
Grandpa's Bouncy Second Castle. (3B81-0000-0049-0A3C)
World 3
Mario's Best Friend. (2CEC-0000-004E-485D)
The East Side of Hoenn. (50CA-0000-0053-2F04)
Aboard the S.S. Drake! (E59D-0000-0059-D976)
Grandpa's Familiar Third Castle. (77E6-0000-0072-C836)
I hope I haven't offended anyone with this post. Even if nobody responds, I have accomplished my mission. Therefore, I must now go.