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Favourite Track from DK64 OST?

PostPosted: January 29th, 2013, 2:32 am
by Dr. Cactus
I have used the term 'theme tune' as the only tracks I have included are the world themes.

So, what's your favourite?

For me it's a tough call between Gloomy Galleon and Frantic Factory :scratch:

Re: Favourite Track from DK64 OST?

PostPosted: January 30th, 2013, 10:30 am
by Qyzbud
Although I'm not a fan of the name, Angry Aztec gets my vote from a musical standpoint. The building wind ambiance helps set the scene nicely, and the main melody is catchy and fitting. The percussion and 'breathy' tribal-sounding vocal sample goes with it well, too. The slower, quieter, simpler 'ambient' sections also sound great — a sweet and sombre variation, and a rather stark and creepy one, for good measure!

Here's a good recording of all variations of the Angry Aztec theme, for those interested:

Re: Favourite Track from DK64 OST?

PostPosted: February 6th, 2013, 1:07 pm
by Super Luigi!
I'm going with the DK Island Theme. Maybe it's just because of the memories that come to mind when I hear the song, but I really like it.

Re: Favourite Track from DK64 OST?

PostPosted: February 8th, 2013, 4:00 am
by Ribbedebie
Ugh, this is tough for me to decide! ...Ergh...

Alright, gotta go with Gloomy Galleon. But it's a tie between this one and Fungi Forest. Though they're all amazingly atmospheric and are such a pleasure to listen to... I just kinda lose myself when I just hear the tracks, and it's almost like I'm at the actual places themselves.

Re: Favourite Track from DK64 OST?

PostPosted: February 8th, 2013, 1:38 pm
by Phyreburnz
I had to go with creepy castle! I just love the scary levels and music.

I actually didn't really care for Angry Aztec's music. I mean, it was okay, but I don't think it was nearly as fanciful as the other stages. Fungi Forest had really cool music, especially since there was day and night music. And Frantic Factory was downright creepy, but man was it cool! Oh! And Hideout Helm was so amazing too! I love the suspense the music creates when you're racing the clock!